Why I’m Leaving Music for Real Estate
Behind the scenes, a guy works in the circus, cleaning up after the elephants with a pail and shovel. One day, his brother comes to see him. He says, “Steve, I’ve got great news. I’ve got you a sales job in my office. You’ll wear a suit and tie, work regular hours, and make a healthy commission. How about it?” Steve says, “What? And give up show business?”
Twelve Reasons I’m Leaving the Music Business For Real Estate:
12. Finding my kids their homes over the last few years turned out to be a fascinating process. You have to be on your game to nab a great New York apartment. It’s not fun for everyone, but it was fun for me. And it made me feel like a good dad to boot.
11. I love ties. Seriously, neckties. I always felt odd wearing them in music circles. I happen to look OK in them too. Almost every man does.
10. Every time I had to leave NY for work, I felt like crying. And I got to go to San Diego! Airline travel is a drag, hotels are soulless, and I missed my dogs.
9. Real Estate makes sense for me. I’m extroverted and like negotiating and marketing. Most of all? I like the chase and the close.
8. It was time to do something new. Almost six years at a start up is a lot. Start up time is like dog years. That’s forty two Digital Music start up years!
7. I’m biased, but I think the Slacker team built the best radio service in the world. I’m going to enjoy my new self-imposed “promotion” to loyal subscriber and listener.
6. When I was young I experienced everything through music. First kiss? — Earth Wind & Fire. Teachers and Parents lie? — Bob Dylan. Embrace the strange? — David Bowie. Fight the power? — The Clash. Now, as I age, I realize my sense memories are tied to homes, neighborhoods, friends and communities. Carroll Gardens reminds me of Elias’s first days and being brand new parents. Watching Clueless in our La Crescenta living room reminds me of Hallie and her gaggle of friends. And getting Zabar’s for Sunday brunch on the Upper West Side is how the family coalesced again in New York.
5. I can now opine about music without fear of professional repercussions. So: Solange? Better songs than Beyoncé. Bruno Mars? Way more fun than Frank Ocean. And Radiohead? In the interest of saving time, I’ll just take an Ambien instead, thank you very much.
4. My new office is on 79th St & Columbus Avenue, across from The American Museum Of Natural History. It’s one of my favorite corners in the entire world. Come visit, really.
3. I watched my friend Steve Tipp build his real estate business in Los Angeles through hard work, and being an extremely good and giving guy. I have an excellent role model, despite the fact that Steve ordered a “Quinoa Burger” (an oxymoron everywhere except LA) with a straight face right in front of me.
2. I love my music business friends, and plan on maintaining those relationships. It’s a weird fraternity of fellow travelers, and I’ll be rooting for my oddball pals.
1.When we first moved back to Manhattan, I distinctly remember the moment of pure happiness when I got the call about securing our West Side apartment. We had a great agent, who made it happen. It feels good to know that I will be making that same call for others.